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Nauli Kriya

  • नौलि क्रिया (Sanskrit: Nauli Kriya)

Nauli is a series of motions stated to cleanse the organs in the abdomen, including sections of the digestive system.

  • उड्डीयन बन्ध (Sanskrit: Uddiyana bandha, upward flying lock, abdominal lift, Stomach Vacuum) is exhaling, then drawing a significant portion of the soft abdominal organs upward into the evacuated ribcage area. The resulting displacement bears some resembalnce to the organs in the later stages of pregnancy.
  • मध्यम नौलि (Sanskrit: Madhayama Nauli, middle nauli), or सामान्य नौलि (Sanskrit: Saamaany Nauli, normal nauli) draws the remaining abdominal muscles into a central column beneath the sternum, parallel to the spine.
  • दक्षिण नौलि (Sanskrit: Dakshina Nauli, right side nauli) draws the remaining abdominal muscles into a central column beneath the left edge of the ribcage, parallel to the spine.
  • वाम नौलि (Sanskrit: Vama Nauli, left side nauli) draws the remaining abdominal muscles into a central column beneath the right edge of the ribcage, parallel to the spine.

The proper movement of Nauli is between these three variations, in a horizontally moving column.

Not all moves with the abdomen are associated with Uddiyana bandha. A belly roll - associated with belly dancing - is a vertical wave that does not require displacement of the abdominal organs.

Nauli is differentiated from other Kriya, in that the others involve pulling water or air into the digestive or respiratory tracts as well.

“Gimnasia hipopresiva”? “hypopressive gymnastics”

poses/nauli_kriya.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/07 04:13 by