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Abductor Stretching Machine

Also: Split machine, Leg Stretcher

A mechanical device to force the legs apart into a side split,

A cheaper 3-bar variants works by pushing two bars of the machine against the ankles while the legs are spread, while sitting on the floor, then a pulling a third shorter bar, equipped with a handle towards the body, trying to pull the trunk toward the center of the mechanism.

A more expensive variant has a low chair, an large padded surfaces to push the inside of the thighs.As a screw crank, located between the thighs, is turned, the angle of the thighs is increased or reduced.

Either method can be motorized.

:!: Neither variant of an Abductor Stretching Machine is particularly more effective than an exercise routine without. Additionally, use of these machines without other exercises does not make any effort to control any gained range of motion.

equipment/abductor_stretching_machine.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/07 04:13 by