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Pronounced: ah-PAHSH

Also: La Danse Apache, Bowery Waltz, Apache Turn, Apache Dance and Tough Dance

Not: uh-PATCH-ee, A group of North American Indian tribes1).

A acrobatic dance form, usually steeped in early 1900s Parisian street gang imagery, that frequently choreographs approximations of violence, in a similar manner to theatrical sword duels.

It is usually (almost exclusively?) preformed between one to three men and one woman, with the woman being at a disadvantage until the conclusion of the dance - either by trading the advantage for a period, seizing the advantage, or “killing” the man. The advantage has to be seized in the narrative form the other performers.

:!: These dances were intended to seen as barbaric, as well as be entertaining.

concept/apache.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/01 19:12 by sudriennei