Posting Guidelines (proposed)

Any language that suggests a move is gender specific should be avoided

Posts should be in English. However, variant pose names, including those in other languages and scripts, should be included. Frequently mislabeled names should also be included, though marked as such. Romanized and translated non-english names a appreciated in addition to their usual scripts.

Any photographs must identify the subject by real name, or a public stage name. They must include a source. Contortionwiki is not the original source of an photographic material, and give current social media if available. (Do I need anybody else to tell me who this is?)

If permission of the subject can not be obtained, the material can not be used. If subject is under 18, permission as of post time, permission of the parents must be obtained. A subject can give permission for their own childhood (under 18) photos, if they meet other guidelines. (Did they confirm I could post this here?)

Yes, photos can be shot specifically for the wiki. These photos should be shared, publicly, outside the wiki.

Any illustrations must credit the illustrator, and give current social media if available. Illustrations will not depict. (Did they confirm I could post this here?)

Any Nudity or partial nudity is not allowed, in illustration or photographs. (Would anyone sue/fire me for showing this to a 7-year-old?)

No advertising of apparel is allowed. ( Is the logo aimed at the camera? )

Advertising of training apparatus is allowed. The manufacturer must be included.

Some acts are built around apparatus - canes, aerial fabric, aerial hoop. Very rarely does the outfit substantially change content of an act. The same while training. If a leg-stretch band is made by a person, sure. If it's made by the lowest bidder - and you're willing to admit who the bidder is - sure.

Advertising of coaches is not allowed, unless these coaches have been vetted (includes: must have public presence) ( Even better: people who have trained with them ).

Advertising of performers is permitted, but personal contact information is not allowed (no doxing). All contact information must be of representatives. ( No home contact information. )

Does a Paysite count as a proxy/representative? No.

Linked social media sites may not contain pornographic content without it clearly being marked. [TODO: make template?]

Linked social media sites can not contain redirects or url tracking data. (clean up that url)

Linked social media sites may not contain excessive advertising for commercial products beyond what the subject themself is offering. ( Please consider my self published training dvd: ok. I recommend this training app: ok. Please consider this herbal supplement: no)

Picture with shirtless males are discouraged. Equality.

Training advice is not permitted. An experienced coach should be the one offering advice.

Any Fictional or speculated poses are to be marked as such.

Bodypaint - however artistic - is not a substitute for clothing.

I'm considering advertising “link to where you can buy” - the whole “call to action”. There is no intent to allow dynamically injected ads to support the site.

Listed Performers must have been contracted, been part of a troupe, or competed for an extended period. Social media or paysite exposure does not count towards this.

Coaches must meet Performer criteria, or have students that meet Performer criteria.